Albany Primary

Albany Primary School
"Where learning makes a difference..."

 Frequently Asked Questions

Parents information Booklet

School hours:

8.55am - school start
10.30am- 11.00am - morning tea 
12.30-12.40pm - lunch eating
2.55 - School finish 
12.40-1.30pm - lunch play
2.50 - bus bell

Class/School Organisation 

Our school is organised into Years 1-6, with students moving into a new class and year level at the start of each school year. Whenever possible the school informs learners and parents of the following year’s teacher/Area at the end of each year with students being given an opportunity to meet with the teacher in the assigned classroom.  We currently have some multi-level / composite classes at Years 3/ 4 and Years 5 /6.

Some classes also work together in shared learning spaces or pods of two to three classes,  referred to as Innovative Learning Areas (ILE). The open nature of these classroom spaces fosters flexible teaching and learning.

Five year olds in New Zealand begin school on or near their birthday. Students who start school in Term 1 are classified as year 1, with those who start in Term 2, 3, and 4 are classified as Year 0.

Extended leave:
 If you wish to take your child out of school during term time, please email

Lost property:
 Lost property is situated opposite Areas 19/20 and is available to view during school hours.
 There is a box of donated uniform outside the school office that parents/caregivers are able to help themselves to.

School bank account information:
 The school's bank account number is: 12-3107-0043717-00
 As reference for our bank statement, please state your child's first and last name and the activity/school fees that you are paying.  If paying by credit card please note that a charge of 2% will apply. 

Composite/multi-level classes: 
Composite or multi-level classes
School hours:
Students are allowed access to classes from 8.30am
School donation:
School donation 

Dental clinic:

The mobile dental unit visits the school twice per year.  To make an appointment with the Dental Clinic (situated behind Albany Junior High) phone 415 2059.